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Sound Healing

Sound Healing

State of art hands on therapy using traditional singing bowls, energy chimes, solfeggio tuned pipes for activating DNA/Naval along with Chakra and Aura correction. Therapy includes pre and post body scanning with full Health, Chakra and Aura status, Stress and Anxiety levels with biorhythm reports based on DOB.


  • The blue print of our body consists of 97% junk DNA and 3% active DNA.
  • Junk DNA can be activated and altered with proper frequency programming

Quantum physics has proven that everything has a vibration. When we use sound with precise frequency and with proper intentions, the healing of the body occurs at the cellular level. Hence there is a direct impact on one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well- being.


After DNA activation it is important for one to stay positive and affirm of abundance and prosperity. To achieve higher spiritual vibrations, one’s thoughts and words should be in the right direction.



As recommended by Taoist, Zen Masters, Yogic Pranic Healers and Clinical Therapists; the main objective being the awakening of Vibrant Health and Success. Science has revealed that the belly button or Naval functioning plays a very important role in success and happiness. Naval sends and receives impulses, records experiences and responds to emotions

  • Using correct notes and frequency with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Solfeggio Pipes, Energy Chimes and Weighted Tuning Forks.
  • Since Naval is the centre of the inherent energy, it relaxes the mind and the body, thereby releases the Ego and one returns to the deeper power of original being.
  • Ability to take decisions fearlessly and effortlessly
  • Discover the true self and get rid of deep rooted chronic ailments (Asthma, Diabetes, Migraine, Thyroid and Skin)
  • Come, enjoy the seamless method of wellness and success. REDEFINE YOUR LIFE!